i´m feeling lucky
voy a tener suerte

︎ MMMAD Festival ︎ 9-31 May 2024 ︎ Madrid ︎

In a world flooded with options and paths, the 'i'm feeling lucky' button, found on the world's most used search engine, embodies a dilemma increasingly present in our post-digital society: technological comfort vs. (dis)trust in the algorithm.

While technoutopians embrace technology as a means to achieve an ideal society and solve fundamental problems, neo-luddites criticise its negative aspects and adverse effects, rejecting it altogether. The two positions represent opposite ends of the spectrum of views on the complex relationship between technology and society.

Thus, this little button embodies the dichotomy between agency and surrender. It offers both a sense of adventure and the renunciation of deliberation. It challenges our instinctive desire to shuffle options and weigh alternatives, and instead encourages us to trust the invisible hand that guides us towards an unknown destination.

It stands as a digital doorway, a microcosm of our human yearning for immediacy, serendipity and a leap into the unknown. Its simple invitation carries a great implication: the willingness to relinquish control, to trust the algorithms and mechanisms that govern our digital existence and to accept the possibility of discovering the unexpected with a single click.

In this fifth edition of MMMAD Festival we will explore the contradictions that the digital world poses to us on a daily basis, with every click, tap or scroll. We will delve into the dilemmas that our artificial symbionts provoke in us, we will approach algorithms without prejudice and we will think collectively about the role of technology in society.
Confirmed artists and participants

Adrian Notz, ALV Adina, Ana Drucker, Brooklyn J. Pakathi, Carolina Fdez-Castrillo + Diego Mantoan, Clara Escalera + Marie Caye + Andrés Agulla, Coco Moya, Dominique Moulon, felicita, Food of War + Chérine Yazbeck, Gastón Lisak, Guayaba, Janira Planes, Javier Fdez Contreras, Johanna Jaskowska, José Delgado Periñán, Lauren Lee McCarthy, Lola Zoido, Luis Lecea, Mae Lubetkin, Manel Bafaluy, Maria Buey + Petra Linhartova, Mario Santamaría, Mayte Gómez, Molly Soda, Natalia Stuyk, Nina Muro, Pulsa (Fran Toré + Irene Molina), Rayane Jemaa, Sara Bezovsek, Sarah Sadik, Tabita Rezaire, Turian Boy, Vanessa Murrell, Vica Pacheco, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries