All my dreams are questions,  Xiao Yue Shan

→ May 6, 22:00-23:00.

→ HYPER HOUSE (C. de Ramón Sáinz 22, 28025 Madrid)

Under the title 'all my dreams are questions', Chinese-Canadian poet Xiao Yue Shan will present a performative reading of her works, combining landscape, sound and psychogeography in an interactive dialogue with her digital self at HYPER HOUSE, thanks to the support of the Canadian Embassy.

Xiao Yue Shan's poems create spaces we didn't know they existed before and expand to fill them with new combinations of words. Her extremely sensitive vision of the past and present leads us to an intimate engagement with her inner world which helps us understand how we relate to each other and to stories and spaces that surround us in this 'new' digital reality that shapes the way we live.