Computed Matter, group exhibition

Space: Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas (C. de Montalbán 12, 28014 Madrid)

Dates: 23 May – 23 July, 2024. Schedule: consult the museum’s website.

Artists: ALV Adina, Gastón Lisak, Manel Bafaluy, Pulsa (Irene Molina + Fran Toré)

In collaboration with Mayrit Biennial of Design and Architecture we present a group exhibition with works by ALV Adina, Gastón Lisak, Manel Bafaluy and Pulsa (Irene Molina + Fran Toré).A kilogram is a cylinder made of an alloy of platinum and iridium that has been at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris since 1889. Despite careful preservation measures, over time dust has added weight to this cylinder, changing its initial conditions. In the digital world, however, infallible mathematical precision is achieved through computation. Computed Matter addresses these contradictions and complexities of the material component in digital creation through avant-garde works that challenge traditional notions of materiality.

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